Possible topics

Self-discovery and identity questions, defining your own life goals, values or the search for your true identity, determining your position

Life changes such as professional reorientation, moving, the end of a relationship or a new family member

Setting healthy boundaries, boundary problems, boundary violations &
emotion regulation

Coming to terms with and processing stressful events, letting go processes, working with the inner child

Personal development and growth, discovery of personal abilities, talents and potential, strengthening of resources

Stress management and burnout prevention, work-life balance

Self-confidence, self-assurance, self-image problems

Dissolution of negative inner beliefs, harmful thought patterns, inner critics, blockages, self-limitation

Decision making &
goal setting and success, privately and professionally

Preparing for and overcoming upcoming challenges

Relationship and communication problems, conflict resolution, couple/team and family dynamics

Dealing with insecurities, fears, unpleasant conditions, nervousness

Holistic coaching, for me, is more than just support on your path to your goals. It's about guiding and nurturing your entire being. Based on the anthropological cube model and the IKP approach, my goal is to help you live your true self in every dimension - be it social, temporal and spatial, spiritual and purposeful, physical, or mental and emotional. With me, your thought patterns, experiences and body are just as important as your soul, emotions and intuition.
Transparent & Goal-oriented

Wenn du möchtest, ...
...arbeiten wir Vergangenes auf und lassen es vielleicht sogar los.
Wir reissen Mauern nieder, wo keine sein sollten und ziehen Grenzen neu, die dir dienen.
We collaborate transparently, emphasizing self-reflection and self-awareness, resilience, and the development of new congruent and situation-appropriate actions and behaviors through resource activation. Together, we always work with a focus on goals and authenticity.

Methodical, experience-oriented & body centered
In coaching, I primarily work with experiential and body-centered methods. My approach is based on humanistic psychology and includes elements from Gestalt therapy, systemic therapy, NLP, mindfulness, positive psychology, communication theory, embodiment, motivation psychology and other approaches/theories. We actively integrate the body as an instrument and make use of creative techniques, including constellation work, imagination work, inner parts work, biography work, vision work and potential development. We also incorporate practices like Focusing, EFT Tapping and much more.
Expert in your life
As a coach, I view you as the expert in your own life. I take responsibility for the process and provide support. You are responsible for the outcome. Together, we find individually tailored solutions.
It's important to me that you have a stable mental health to work together effectively. Coaching does not replace traditional psychotherapy. Your willingness and motivation to make changes are prerequisites for an effective and sustainable coaching experience.